What Month In Bali is the Cheapest to Fly?

Bali is one of the most sought-after destinations due to its breathtaking scenic beauty, serene beaches, thrilling locations, and much more. The number of tourists visiting Bali is steeply rising each year. From January to March 2024, around 1,344,541 tourists thronged this Island from various foreign destinations. When planning a vacation to Bali, you must be keen to know which is the peak season and in which months your Bali holiday will be relatively cheap. Right? Read on to know more.

What is the Cheapest Month to Go to Bali?

Before discussing the cheaper months to go to Bali, let us mention the island’s dry and wet seasons. The dry season is from May to October, whereas the wet season is between November and April. The dry season in Bali is quite pleasant, characterized by sunny days, cooler nights, and minimal rain. These months are the peak time for visiting Bali.

Bali’s wet season lasts from November to April. However, despite being wetter months, December and January are Bali’s peak seasons. The reason is the Christmas and New Year break.

For those looking to visit Bali on a budget, the best and cheapest times to visit the island are October, November, February, and March. You will get significant travel discounts and enjoy a quiet holiday without the bustling crowd, mostly seen during the peak seasons. Flights and hotel rates are reasonable during the wet season. So, visiting Bali would be bliss, especially if you wish for a quiet, cozy vacation. 

What to Do in Bali in the Cheaper Seasons?

If the beach is the main reason to visit Bali, the wet season may not be the best time to go there. That doesn’t mean you cannot go to the beach at all. Swimming in the rain is quite adventurous for many. But staying in the water during lightning and thunderstorms isn’t safe. 

Many wish to trek along Mt. Batur during the rains to glimpse its gorgeous scenic beauty. However, crossing the slippery path is risky and challenging. Wearing hiking shoes or sandals will help. 

Exploring the beauteous waterfalls of Bali when it rains is another amazing thing to do. The rain waters take the beauty of the waterfalls to another level. Carry a waterproof bag, and a change as chances of getting wet during a waterfall visit are higher in the rainy season.

Suppose you’ve chosen the wet season to unwind yet wish to remain soaked in creativity. In that case, learning cooking is one of the best things to do, especially if the rich, interesting ingredients of Balinese cuisine fascinate you immensely. Research some of the excellent cooking classes in Bali, and prepare yourself for the action. Bumbu Bali, Bali Asli, and Casa Luna are some of the suggestions we have for you. If booking through a travel agent, you may tell them in advance if you wish to enroll in any cooking classes during your stay in Bali. 

If you wish to refresh yourself during your stay in Bali, especially in the wet seasons, joining yoga classes will be a fabulous idea. Some resorts offer wonderful yoga courses for beginners and experienced students. 

Going for a spa session, chilling out at the cafe, watching a movie, or simply relaxing with your loved ones are a few things to do in Bali, especially if the weather keeps you indoors most of the time. 

Another exciting sport to take up if you have a knack for adventure is rafting across the Telaga Waja River and Ayung River. You could cross the rivers in the dry and wet seasons. However, more rainfall means a spike in the water level. This means more thrill and adventure but greater risk as well. So take proper precautions.


If you are looking for a budget-friendly vacation and umpteen discounts on flights and hotels, visiting Bali during the rainy season will be a perfect choice. True that you won’t be able to indulge in beach sports that much. Yet you can find many ways to keep yourself entertained.

FAQs – What Month In Bali is the Cheapest to Fly?

In which month in Bali are the flights the cheapest?

Most flights to Bali are affordable during the wet season -November, February, March, and April.

What is the off-season in Bali?

The off-season in Bali is the wet season, November, February, March, and April. December and January are also a part of the wet season. However, they are crowded due to the holiday season.

Which countries have the cheapest flights to Bali?

Most of the cheapest flights to Bali are from Australia and some parts of Asia. However, the fares are high if you travel to Bali from the US. That’s why splitting your journey from Bangkok or Singapore will be a better option.

Which is the most expensive month in Bali?

The dry season, May to October, is the peak season. However, December-January is quite expensive as many tourists visit the island for the holiday season.

Which month in Bali is the coldest?

January is considered Bali’s coldest month when the temperature is as low as 25 °C, and there is heavy rainfall as well.

In which month will you find mosquitoes in Bali?

You will find an increased mosquito infestation in Bali during the wet season – November – April. So, when going there during the rains, its advisable to take precautions to save yourself from the mosquitoes.

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